
5 Best Ways To Promote Your Youtube Channel (Part 5)

Youtube is the largest video-sharing network in the world, making it a platform that many businesses use to promote their brands. However, neglecting this platform can lead to missed opportunities. Here are the 5 best ways to promote your Youtube Channel.

Try Out Seasonal Content
Seasonal videos are a great way to attract new viewers and attract them to your channel year-round. Include videos that focus on holidays and some special events in the calendar so you can customize your content for that time of year.

Use Pinterest
Creating seasonal videos is one of the best ways to attract an audience, but after you’ve created a video, how do you get people interested in sharing it on their favorite social media platforms? One strategy that many creators use is to create videos that are relatable and shareable. To really amplify the reach of your seasonal video content, try combining it with Pinterest! After all, it’s a platform where seasonal content reigns supreme! Pinterest has introduced video functionality fairly recently so for many content creators it remains an untapped goldmine for building your YouTube audience.

Enable Email Marketing
Good email marketing providers like MailChimp will allow you to embed YouTube right into your email, so that they can watch it straight from the email (and it will still count towards your total views) Of course, most people would prefer to watch the video in their browser, so be sure to make it easy for them to do so, too.

Hold Joint Workshops
Want to expand your reach and get more eyeballs on your next content creation project? Leverage your existing audience by partnering with other creators! The best way to do that is to go on another creator’s platform (YouTube, Facebook or Instagram) and teach a webinar or workshop together on a topic you both know well. You’ll be giving valuable information to your audience, while making sure your own fans don’t miss out on an awesome opportunity.

Do Challenges
A YouTube video, whether it’s a marketing piece or just directly promoting your business, is definitely an awesome way to boost the timeliness and virality of your content. In fact, research shows that on average, challenge videos get more views on regular videos. Why? Because they’re usually fun, hilarious and encourage a sense of community. If you’re a business, they can also be a great way to showcase your less serious and more relatable side.

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