
5 Principles for Beginner 3D Design

Beginner 3D Design

For beginners who don’t know how or where to start, diving into the world of 3D design and modeling can be quite challenging. So here are a few ideas and principles to keep in mind when you are creating your next project:

Begin with an Idea!
All great art begins with an idea. Whether you are a budding artist or the next Da Vinci, it’s important to start with an idea or image in your mind. Having an idea will set the foundations for your creative pursuits. If it’s your first time creating a 3D model, it is a good idea to start by brainstorming and creating a few preliminary sketches of your idea.

Gather Reference Materials and Tools!
Once you have something in mind, the next step is to gather as much reference materials as you can for your 3D modeling. After compiling a list of useful references, you will be ready to bring your idea to life.
Start by thinking about what tools you will use to create your 3D model. There are many popular tools available in the world of 3D modeling. Whether you are a 3D modeling novice or a digital design guru, Coolab is specifically designed for everyone where 3D design modeling is made easy.

Model & Texture!
After deciding which tools to use to bring your ideas to fruition, it’s finally time to model and texture! When you are modeling, think of it as sculpting the structure of your 3D subject. You are literally building the canvas or blueprint of your model. Texturing is what gives form and feel to your model. As you are texturing your model, you are trying to simulate the surfaces, effects, and materials as in real life. After all, the texture of a snowball would be very different in comparison to a rubber ball or a baseball.

Build your Environment!
Now that we have tackled modeling and texturing, the next step is to build the environment where the model exists. Just like how art and photographs use their backgrounds to give context, the environment where our model exists helps to give a setting to the story you are trying to convey. This includes lighting, shadows and textural patterns.

It’s all about Perspective!
Perspective is what informs your viewers of how to interpret your creation. The perspective should be a specific angle that helps to capture not only the subject, but also the environment. It’s important to remember that perspective can also capture emotions as well. For instance, a bottom-up perspective will force viewers to see the subject from below, which creates a sense of power and presence of the subject.

Following these 5 basic design principles will elevate your 3D modeling! It’s important to remember that 3D modeling design is a journey of endless improvement and its application is infinite. Whether you are designing digital goods or an AR of an office space, the world of 3D design is constantly growing.

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