
Marketing 101: What makes you stand out from your competition?

All businesses need promotion. Writing an Ad is a basic skill that all business owners should have.

Unfortunately, thousands and millions of dollars are wasted on ineffective, poor or outright bad ads — and we here at urbancoolab want to save you that pain. So here is a quick tip that you need to keep in mind when producing a proper advertisement.

People come in contact with advertisements from all types of businesses all the time. So, you need to think about what will make your potential customers buy your product or service versus one of your competitors’?

This is commonly referred to in marketing circles as the “Unique Selling Proposition”, and it is something that you have to figure out before you focus on your advertisement.

Get out a pad of paper and some pens and have fun with this. I am sure you will start coming up with brilliant ideas right off the bat!

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